Saturday, April 2, 2022

How Do You Decide Who To Vote For in School Board Elections?

The 2022 Fox C-6 School Board election is next week on Tuesday April 5, 2022.

Please Vote! Your Vote Matters!

So, how do you decide who you should vote for? 

In many of Fox's nearby school districts, you can find school board candidate information posted on the school district's website. Fox doesn't provide that information like they do in other school districts.

But, once I find out who has filed to run for school board, I search for the candidate's website or any other social media site where they may have posted information.

Next, I want to know who the treasurer is for their campaign and what their affiliations may be with the school district.

Once it gets closer to the election (40 days out), I look up their campaign finance reports to see who is helping fund their campaigns.

You can use the MEC's website to search for candidates who have registered with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

You can find this information at the Missouri Ethics Commission (MEC) website:

Each candidate who files with the MEC is assigned an MEC ID. You will notice that ID in the links below which link directly to the candidates information on the MEC website. It's the same link that you would find when you enter a search into the MEC website. 

Below are MEC links for the candidates in the order that they will appear on the April 5th ballot.

Once you click on the link, look for the dark gray Reports tab to the right of the Information tab to find the Electronic Reports for each of the candidates.

Click on the year 2022 for the current year which will then display the various reports that you can view.

There are multiple MEC reports:
8 Day Before General Municipal Election - 4/5/2022
40 Day Before General Municipal Election - 4/5/2022

Sometimes you may see an AMENDED report as well. 

Click on the link for each of the reports to see how much was spent or how much each candidate received in donations.


Kenneth Woolsey

Todd Scott

Brandon Williams

Cathey “Break” Michalski
No Committee Formed

Raymond “Curtiss” C Frazier III

Tara Hagin


Travis Lintner

Vicki Hanson - No Committee for 2022 / (2018 and 2021 Campaign Finance Reports)

David Knoll

No Committee Formed

Ryan Giesler

No Committee Formed

When to Form and Register a Committee