
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 18, 2014 School Board Meeting Review

Have you ever wondered what the Fox C-6 Superintendent is getting paid to do when you discover that an entire section of the updated Board Policies, Regulations and Forms was left out of the documents?

What's really sad is the fact that the part that was left out of the updated Polices, Regulations and Forms was the section on Employee Performance Evaluations in the Forms section.

I would like to think board member John Laughlin for making a motion to remove Section 4.2 - Approve - Policy/Regulation/Forms Manuals from the Fox's Board of Education agenda at last night's meeting after I spoke to him about the updated Policies and Regulations just prior to the meeting. Board member Steve Holloway seconded the motion. The BOE then voted to approve removing it from the agenda for last night's meeting.

I told Mr. Laughlin prior to the meeting that the community had not been properly informed that the updated policies had been posted on the district website for review. Superintendent Critchlow didn't tweet or post anything on the News page after the February BOE meeting to notify the public that the documents were available for public to review and to make recommendations on them. So thank you to Mr. Laughlin and Mr. Holloway for removing the approval from the agenda at last night's meeting.

The section that was left out of the All Forms document was Section 4600 - Performance Evaluation. It was listed in the FORMS - Table of Contents on the Missouri Consultants for Education website where the public can download Fox's latest DRAFT copy of Fox's updated Board Policies, Regulations and Forms. You will need to download the ALL FORMS PDF document from the Missouri Consultants for Education website in order to see that Section 4600 is completely missing from the All Forms document.

I found the missing Section 4600 in the 2012 draft of the updated Board Policies and Regulations on Fox's Website in the FORMS document. I pulled out Section 4600 and made them available here:

I've also assembled ALL of the updated Policies, Regulations and Forms into a single PDF that you can download and view as a single PDF document. It makes it much easier to search rather than trying to read them in chunks as they have been posted on the MCE website. You can view or download the file from the link below:

I wanted to highlight the following section from Section 4160.6 - Superintendent Performance Evaluation Forms as I thought the Superintendent's Performance Evaluation forms were very interesting. These forms are used by the Board of Education to review the Superintendent's performance on an annual basis. They are required to complete this by February 1 each year.

Superintendent Performance Evaluation


One of the primary responsibilities of the School Board is to evaluate the administrative leadership of the school system. Developing performance standards for administrators can be cost effective, reduce crisis management and set and maintain direction.

The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide both the superintendent and the board with information, which can be used to improve the effectiveness of the chief administrator, improve the quality of the school system and strengthen the relationship between the school board and the superintendent.

The results of the evaluation shall be used by the superintendent to identify and nurture strengths and to provide specific direction for improving performance. The board shall use the results of the evaluation to improve communications, to clarify roles and expectations and to make critical employment decisions regarding the superintendent’s contract.


The superintendent’s effectiveness shall minimally be evaluated according to these six general areas of responsibility:

  1. Instructional Leadership
  2. Policy & Governance
  3. Communications& Community Relations
  4. Organizational Management
  5. Human Resources Management
  6. Values & Ethics of Leadership

This standard stresses the superintendent’s performance in leadership through empowering others, visioning, and helping shape school culture in a manner to enhance student performance outcomes.

    Performance Indicators:(Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
    1. Supervises the development & implementation of effective, research based practices allowing the district’s students to meet or exceed Missouri Performance standards
    2. Promotes academic rigor that focuses on learning and excellence for schools
    3. Creates and supports a community of learners that empowers others to reach high levels of performance to achieve the school’s vision
    4. Models learning for staff and students
    5. Promotes and expects a school based climate of tolerance, acceptance and civility
    6. Develops, implements, promotes and monitors continuous improvement processes
    7. Provides for effective educational services for the at-risk students
    8. Establishes instructional strategies that include cultural diversity and differences in learning styles
    9. Applies effective methods of providing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting student achievement and uses good research and assessments to improve the learning process.


    Working with the board to formulate internal and external district policy, defining mutual expectations of performance with the board and communicate effectively.

      Performance Indicators:(Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
      1. Implements decisions/policies of the BOE and provides follow-up reports.
      2. Responds appropriately to board concerns
      3. Informs the BOE of federal and state laws and changes in laws
      4. Uses legal counsel in governance and procedures to avoid civil and criminal liabilities
      5. Provides regular reports to the BOE on school district transactions
      6. Serves as liaison between the BOE and school staff, facilitating communications and representing BOE positions and decisions accurately
      7. Review existing policies and procedures and makes recommendations to the BOE for necessary revisions
      8. Keeps the BOE abreast guidelines of DESE & U.S. Department of Ed.


      This standard emphasizes the skills necessary to establish effective two-way communications not only with students, staff and parents, but the community as a whole including beneficial relationships with the media. It also stresses responding to community feedback and building community support for the district.

        Performance Indicators:(Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
        1. Promotes and maintains a positive attitude/climate in the district.
        2. Maintains open communications with local police, fire, juvenile, & other governmental entities.
        3. Demonstrates effective communication skills (written, verbal and non-verbal contexts, formal and informal settings, large and small group and one-on- one environments)
        4. Promotes involvement of all stakeholders to be involved in the development of District programs and services.
        5. Understands the role of media in shaping and forming opinions as well as how to work with the media. ("It's all about the summit!")


        This standard requires the superintendent to gather and analyze data for decision making and for making recommendations to the board. It stresses the skills necessary to meet internal and external customer expectations and to effectively allocate resources.

        Performance Indicators:
        (Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
        1. Demonstrates budget management.
        2. Ensures that the annual budget is aligned to support the District goals.
        3. Develops and monitors long-range plans for school and district technology and information systems, making informed decisions about computer hardware & software,& staff development & training needs.
        4. Assesses and recommends facility and capital improvements.
        5. Establishes procedures and practices for dealing with emergencies such as weather, threats to the school, student violence and trauma
        6. Ensures a process is in place for continuous maintenance of existing facilities are conducive to positive learning
        7. Analyzes available instructional resources including applications of technology and assign them in cost effective and equitable manner to enhance student outcomes


        This performance standard requires skills in developing and implementing a staff performance-evaluation system. It also requires skills in applying ethical, contractual and legal requirements for personnel selection, development, retention, promotion and dismissal.

        Performance Indicators:(Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
        1. Keeps the Board informed of personnel issues.
        2. Identifies and applies appropriate polices, criteria, and processes for the recruitment, selection, induction, compensation and separation of personnel with attention to issues of equity and diversity.
        3. Establishes standards for staff performance, accountability and evaluation.
        4. Develop and implement staff development programs to provide on-going education for all staff. Provide training for all staff in the areas of legal concern, including, but not limited to, harassment, discrimination, confidentiality, special education and disciplining of students.
        5. Involves staff in assessing, identifying and implementing staff development needs and activities.


        This standard requires the understanding and modeling of appropriate value systems, ethics and moral leadership.

        Performance Indicators:
        (Do not rate individual indicators. These are listed only to help you think about the standard.)
        1. Exhibits ability to work well with individuals and groups.
        2. Earns respect among professional colleagues.
        3. Manifests a professional code of ethics and demonstrates personal integrity.
        4. Expects professional conduct from all staff members.
        5. Handles crisis management in a controlled and professional manner.
        6. Promotes the establishment of moral and ethical practices in every classroom, every school, and throughout the district.


        There's still more to add to this article which I'll do later this evening.

        I had the chance to speak with Assistant Superintendent Andy Arbeitman about his email from last month and the response I sent to him and the school board. I also had the opportunity to speak with a couple of our school board candidates for the April election.